Products & services
goat's milk soap
Our handmade goat’s milk soap base is made with just four ingredients: raw milk from our herd of Nubian dairy goats, sodium hydroxide (lye), olive oil, and coconut oil.
Optional additions to the soap base include:
sodium lactate (hardens the bar and makes it last longer)
essential or fragrance oils (scent)
spices or mica (colorants)
coffee grounds, jojoba beads, or poppy seeds (exfoliants)
Soap bars weigh 4.2 ounces and cost $6.00 each
Our current inventory of scents include:
Oats and Honey
Cedar Leather
Black Cherry
Sunflower Sandalwood
We also make seasonal and special order soaps for baby showers, bridal showers, and as requested.
Have an idea you want us to try? Contact us today!

whipped tallow balm
Our ultra-moisturizing whipped tallow balm made with farm-rendered goat tallow, olive oil, and essential or fragrance oil is great for dry skin!
Available in Vanilla, Lavender, or Tea Tree
2 ounce jar $10.00
4 ounce jar $20.00
wildflower honey
We have a 30 acre meadow on our property that is in a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) through the Farm Service Agency. It is filled with native grasses and wildflowers and serves, not only as a habitat for wildlife, but a haven for our favorite pollinators- honey bees!

We harvest raw honey from our hives during the summer and early fall months and often have extra to sell.
1 lb bottle $10.00
1/2 lb bottle $5.00
The beeswax that we harvest is used in making all-natural lip balms and sweet smelling candles.
Pasture-raised meat and eggs
We raise goats, cattle, and chickens for meat to feed our family. When we have excess, we sell shares which may include quarter, half, or whole animals.
We can assure you that our animals are humanely raised and slaughtered resulting in the highest quality, tender meat.
Our animals are provided free access to forage and are finished on grains. Our meats are free of antibiotics, steroids, and growth hormones.

We have a lovely, lively flock of free ranging chickens. Our dual-purpose breed hens lay brown, pink, blue, green, and white eggs.
We sell eggs for $4.00 per dozen
chemical-free brush management
Did you know that goats are natural browsers and enjoy eating plants that many consider problematic or annoying? We’re talking about briars, poison ivy, autumn olive, ragweed, mulberry, blackberry, and sassafras.
Benefits of targeted goat grazing include:
Herbicide-free brush control
Soil aeration
Soil fertilization

The cost of our brush-removal service depends on the size of the area, density of vegetation, ease of set-up and access to the property, and distance from our farm.
Not all jobs are suitable for our team of goats, we do a free site visit and provide a quote before accepting any projects. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

With our portable, solar-powered electric fence, our goats can get to work on overgrown areas of your back yard!

goat yoga & rentals
All the benefits of yoga: improved strength, flexibility, and relaxation…. PLUS some laughs when you add our furry friends to the mix.

We offer seasonal goat yoga sessions on the farm.
We can also supply goats for off-site goat yoga events.
Check out our current schedule on Facebook!
Having a party?
Ensure it will be Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) with goat photo ops! Rental includes goat bouncer and custodian (handler).

stud service & Goats for sale
We raise ABGA registered Boer goats and ADGA registered Nubian goats. We always have at least one high-quality buck of each breed standing at stud in our breeding program.
We can house your doe or does for weekend breedings or for extended periods of time. We ask that all does that come on the premises have proof of testing negative for CL, CAE, and Johnes disease within the past year.
Stud and boarding fee apply. Please contact us for more information.

We sell does, bucks, wethers, and kids from our herd periodically. Check Facebook for the latest sale announcements.

We have a waiting list for 4-H youth interested in dairy and/or non-dairy market wethers.
Our first kiddings take place in late January.
Contact us if you are looking for your next project animal for the Fair!