latests posts

Dog sitting by a 50 gallon drum
6 Mouse-proof Grain Storage Ideas
To prevent rodent-carried diseases, contamination of your livestock feed, and wasting money, it’s important that grain be stored securely. Here are a range of ideas for keeping mice and rats out of your...
Chickens in a chicken tractor
7 Reasons to Use Chicken Tractors for Raising Meat Birds
Using a chicken tractor may be the best way to raise Cornish-cross meat birds from a productivity, ecological, and animal welfare standpoint. Here's why.
DIY decorated wreath
How to Decorate a Grapevine Wreath
A little while ago I wrote a post about making my own wreath from wild grapevines. If you missed it, here is the link. Now, I’m going to show you how I decorated it! I love making things for my home....
How to Make a Non-toxic Air Freshener
I like to have a nice-smelling car, but the problem for me with store-bought car air fresheners is that they are overpowering and give me a headache. The solution I’ve found is to make my own. In this...