How to Make a Pig Waterer

If you are tired of dirty tubs and spilled water, you need a mess-free self watering system for your hogs. Make this hassle-free waterer using just a few tools and a plastic barrel and nipple. This waterer is durable, easy to use, and stays full for days.

Threading the nipple into the barrel

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This year we are going to upsize our pig pen and take on a few additional animals to accommodate fair projects for the kids, as well as one for our freezer. This meant building an additional pig feeder, which you can find the link to instructions for that here. It also meant we needed an additional water source as pigs are pretty vulnerable in the hot summer months and adequate hydration is a necessity.

This waterer is a pretty simple build and takes all of 5-10 minutes to complete provided you have the supplies.

Materials Needed for Making a Pig Waterer

Materials needed for making a pig waterer

Instructions for Making a Pig Waterer

  1. 1. After your supplies are gathered, measure up 4.5” from the bottom of the barrel and make a mark with your Sharpie for where you will drill the hole.
  2. 2. Using the ¾” spade bit, drill a hole into your barrel.
  3. 3. Generously wrap the pig watering nipple in Teflon tape counterclockwise.
  4. 4. Thread the pig watering nipple into the ¾” hole. If you are unable to hand tighten it all the way, there are flat spots on each side of the nipple that a ¾” end wrench will fit onto to finish the job.
  5. 5. Your pig waterer is now complete and can be placed in your pen and filled with water. I recommend securing the waterer to the fence (I use ratchet straps) to keep it in place.