3 Easy Ways to Prevent Sunburn in Pigs

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My daughter got two Yorkshire hogs for the county fair this year. Being white with pink skin, we knew they were very prone to sunburn, so we had to have a game plan!

Why Sunburn in Pigs is a Concern

Sunburn in pigs can be very painful for them and can make them go off feed. The skin peels and flakes as it heals, which for a show hog, is unsightly. Further, like humans, pigs can develop cancer from damage done from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

The good news is that sunburn is preventable!

To keep our pigs healthy, happy, and gaining weight we made sure their pen had the essentials, shade and mud. In addition, we purchased a livestock sprayer for applying sunscreen daily.

Prevent Sunburn in Pigs with Shade

Hogs under a hog hutch
Hogs under a hog hutch

The easiest way to prevent sunburn in your pigs is to provide them with a place to get out of the sun. We have traditional hog hutches for our pigs to lie under, but any form of shelter will work.

Natural shade can be provided by trees, or you can purchase a triangular or rectangular sun sail to provide portable, versatile shade artificially. I secure a triangular shade to T-posts in my goat pen to provide extra sun cover. These are surprisingly durable and economical, not to mention easy to install!

Prevent Sunburn in Pigs with Mud

Happy pig standing in mud
Happy pig standing in mud

Depending on your area, mud may accumulate naturally with rainfall as your pigs root around their pen. In our case, with dry, well-draining, sandy soil we have to make mud for our pigs most days. We spray down the low areas of their pen daily so that the hogs have some moist soil to work with.

It is clear that pigs LOVE having mud to wallow in, but besides bringing them joy, it also provides them some natural protection from the sun. A thick layer of dark mud on a white pig acts as a barrier to the sun’s rays.

Prevent Sunburn in Pigs with Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen to a pig with a livestock sprayer
Applying sunscreen to a pig with a livestock sprayer

We have a handy, pump-action livestock sprayer that we use at least once daily to apply sunscreen to our hogs. We use a sunscreen made for humans, diluted with water.

I chose a SPF 50 sunscreen that I bought in bulk on Amazon. It is oxybenzone and lidocaine free. Both of these ingredients are absorbed through the skin, and in an animal used for meat, should be avoided. For recommendations on sunscreen for pigs, please consult your local, licensed veterinarian.

The sprayer is adjustable, the pigs like being sprayed, and it only take a few seconds per animal to apply. Applying sunscreen to the hogs has become a favorite part of chores for our daughter.

For more information more about mixing and using the sprayer shown in the photo, click here to read my blog post on the topic!

Other Recommendations for Caring for your Pig’s Skin

If your pig has dry skin, make sure they are not dehydrated (drinking enough water) and try exfoliating their skin with a pig brush. Our pigs like being brushed and it really improves the integrity of their skin and coat.

If your pig has more than just dry skin and appears itchy and irritated (scratching and rubbing on everything), he or she may have mites. Contact your veterinarian for a deworming recommendation if this is the case!

As you can see, caring for a pig’s skin is an important part of raising hogs. Are there other things that you do to prevent sunburn in your pigs? Tell us about it in the comments!